sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2020



This is a work of science fiction.
Any similarity to names and facts that occurred, or not,
in this, or any other parallel universe, is purely coincidental.


     In a few years, in the near future, we will find, I, as a writer, and, you as my dear reader, on the island of Jeju, which today belongs to Korea, one of the most interesting stages of the world war, then, at the moment, underway.
   In this scenario, on top of the unburied corpse of the late Korean state, two military powers, China and the allied forces represented by several countries, like birds of prey, fiercely dispute every span of land and cubic meter of local polluted air.
   The nature there was changed and, where there were natural kilometrics underground tunnels, roads were dug through where they had circulated before, even tourist vehicles.
   After the most recent great world war started, a pandemic spread across the world, transforming the entire immense maze of caves, into a ghostly space with corpses on all sides.
   At the moment when the scenes described here occur, eventually a military vehicle patrols such a space, this type of mission being rare, because inside, now there was an inexplicable dark aura, perhaps caused by the souls of the unburied dead, which prevented communications by radio, cell phone, or any other medium, with the outside world.
  Even drones, in this space, transmitted nothing, and soon stopped working, without any explanation.
  There were occasions however, that exploratory missions in that interior were inevitable, since the location was conducive to enemy forces, eventually hiding there.
  Hence, on the occasion to which we refer, an allied armored vehicle, very well armed, and, commanded by the Japanese Lieutenant Chokan, crossed the threshold of the exit of the cave, after a dark mission that lasted more than a week to reach the end .
  When he was about to open the hatch to, relieved to breathe some fresh air, the computer went on red alert with an important warning:
  -Enemy vehicle identified, in sight and within range of weapons for total destruction.
With calm and Japanese precision, the Lieutenant confirmed the information received and opened his eyes wide:
  In fact, he was aiming for a black Chinese armored vehicle with the blody red f*cking comunist star painted on its side.
  The order he had, was to shoot, ALWAYS that he simply saw that type of vehicle.
  So, there was no time to lose.
  He unlocked the weaponry, calibrated the ray cannon and placed his finger on the trigger.
  The shot would be accurate and destructive.
  In that situation, there was no possibility for a missing shot.
  Easy peace of cake: Just press the button.
 At the firing moment, when Lieutenant Chokan saw the target that was advancing rapidly towards him, he expanded his view of the situation and changed his mind.


  That Chinese armored model was a vehicle known to be dangerous, by the Allied Armed Forces, which wanted them destroyed, whenever they appeared on any occasion, whatever it was ...
  What would have done so great change in the mind, of a Japanese Lieautenient to make him disobey express orders?
  The Chinese armor was fleeing.
  Not that this was an unprecedented thing, a fact that was not.
  It was runningn away and, shooting at will.
  It fired its powerful ray cannons, at full power, against a surprisingly unexpected target ...
  A colossal black UFO, with kilometric dimensions, that from above the clouds, resisted the shots it took, as if these were mere pushes from a brat.
  In addition, the surprising scenario was not enough, it flowed from one of the craters in the ground, a river of burning lava towards the flying object, as if it sucked all that burning and steaming paste, in the same way that any one pulls soda through a straw.
   Lieutenant Chokan, in the face of that scene, knew what to do.
  His thousands of hours spent watching manga and anime have made him smart enough to identify the real enemy of the situation:
 That ship, probably an alien one, that was sucking vital energy, or whatever the the hell was coming from the center of the Earth.
 Without hesitating, the Lieutenant readjusted the target, reprogrammed the computer and fired at the real enemy of the human race:
 That threatening UFO.


 The power of a Japanese ray gun, at the time of the shooting, made the difference.
 Not that Chinese products are notoriously that crap we actually know, but when the artillery of the Allied armored cannon commanded by the Japanese Lieutenant began to send its bombards, the UFO stopped the parasitization and, suddenly, disappeared from the skies, as if it was never there before.
  Then, sundelly the two armored “enemy” vehicles remained alone in silent.


  The Chinese was an easy target, its artillery would not even be able to turn long enough against the allied enemy, but Lieutenant Chokan's samurai spirit prevented him from any act of violence against those who had fought side by side, expelling a dangerous enemy , coming from who knows where.
   Instead, he unbuckled the seat belts that held him to the chair, stood up and opened the access hatch.
   He had been trained to act in accordance with the fact that, to the Chinese enemy, no complacency should be given, since he was totally lacking in reliability and honor in combat.
   However, the victory over that unknown threat awoke in the Japanese Lieutenant, that strength that appears in the fans when they celebrate the goals of their soccer team.
   He came out of the tank screaming with his arms raised, and as soon as he touched his feet on the ground, he started dancing so much joy.
   The contagious celebration also excited the occupant of the Chinese tank, who then turned off his vehicle and went out to celebrate the historic achievement.
    The two soldiers approached, saluted and shook hands.
   The Chinese took an object resembling a thick pen from his pocket and placed it between himself and Lieutenant Chokan and spoke something in his language:
   Soon, a sound came from the object, with the voice of the Chinese soldier, speaking in Japanese:
   -My name is TAO. I'm a lieutenant in the Red Army.
   -My name is Chokan. I'm also a lieutenant.
  The formalities followed, even with exchanges of photographs and some more trivial conversations, until the question arose:
   -And now: what will we do?
   -We must inform our superiors. This situation is completely unusual. - Chokan replied.
  -You're right. I never saw anything like it, I was patrolling this sector, when this thing appeared in the sky shooting at me and pulling lava from the ground.
    -In the midst of this war scenario. Seeing such a business, I do not doubt, that this thing, is the main cause, that put our world at war.
   -I agree too. - Tao said. - The incompetence and the naughtiness of the traitorous politicians, which makes us fight, is too murderous even to be considered human.
   "The party forces put the people, to sacrifice themselves for communism, but, such carnage, it can only be ordered by forces that want the end of the entire planet."
      -I recorded everything that happened since the moment I left the cave. - Chokan said. - I will access the network and inform the superiors, with videos and data from the sensors.
      -I'm going to do the same. Our initiative will change the course of this stupid war, and will show the world who the real enemy is.
      -We may be starting a new era of union and harmony here, which will raise the human race to a new level of spiritual enlightenment.
        -Then we will warn our commands.
        Through the military internet systems to which the soldiers contacted their superiors, all information filmed by the cameras of the two armored vehicles wher sent to the high comand.
         There was nothing to dispute in the two reports because in them, there was no lie.
       The senior officers of both antagonistic forces, who heard what had happened, in the face of such an unusual occurrence, as soon as they became aware of it, surprisingly, adopted similar positions:
     -You did right. - Agreed both Chinese, as well as allies. - This occurrence must be brought to the attention of the high command immediately. "Generals, Admiral and Heads of State will know this now."
         After communicating to their respective high commanders, the two officers sat next to a fire where they lighted cigarettes brought by Lieutenant Tao.
       -These are not so good as Westerners, but these are the ones, the Chinese left over the world, after so many plagues and viruses, and, what we have to celebrate the arrival of peacefull and harmonic new times, around common ideals, that would face cosmic woes.
        -Yes. Finally, humanity will realize that only true union strengthens.
Lieutenant Chokan extended his hand to the Chinese soldier in a greeting that was immediately returned.
      Such a magnificent scene, could, IF photographed, immortalize itself as the moment when the truth, after being revealed, took humanity to a unique path of union against the greatest threat.
       The actions of the two lieutenants had repercussions that were beyond the reach of their eyes, and what was informed to them.
     The event that both reported, soon came to a very closed circle of globalist leaders, which soon took measures aimed at protecting their interests.
     As soon as what was to be one of the most significant handshakes in history, on the surface of the earth, right next to where peacekeepers were greeted, two deadly and silent hipersonic projetiles exploded without warning, fired from, different and antagonistic warships sailing many miles away from there.
       As a result, the outbreak instantly killed the two warriors who dreamed of peace.


      Then, the truth was suppressed, by both belligerent forces, with the videos and data sent by the heroic defenders of war's end, being immediately considered subversive, liars and forbidden.
      Hours later, the newspapers and media of the two blocs at war, printed each side by side, identical headline:


    However, Even before, the circulation of that such "fakenews" among the people victimized by disinformation, in the place where there had been such a "bloody battle" between "enemies", the dark black UFO, previously expelled by the effort of the allies in combat, was now back, to his post in heaven, sucking rivers of molten lava from the earth, as well as those who drink their breakfast.

And HERE I, the humble writer,  finish this ficition about...



In some jobs, it is not recommended to arouse the ire of the boss, breaking the hierarchical discipline and the respective chain of command.
The result of the affront may be unexpected.


In such cases, it is expected that things will be kept as they are, because, the tendency is that they will remain so …




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